Well, the summer has basically come to a close. Only 6 more days until the school year officially kicks off. I'm going into grade 11 and somewhat looking forward to it, only because I'm going to be doing some photo work for a co-op class. Anyways, I can safely say this summer was top notch, I have no complaints. I'd bet I was busy everyday, out shooting skating and having a blast. One point of proof would be my Flickr account. In the middle of June I was at a 99% upload rate and almost wasn't aloud to put anymore photos on for the month, I love it. Along with that, I've had my fair share of London, Toronto and outer city trips. The Power Shoes team came to the park and everyone got to cruise around with them. There's too much to say really and I don't really know what else to put down here. I think all the skaters in K-W had a blast too, because whenever I was skating, they were too, probably putting in a ton of more work than me. Well I just want to thank everyone I've shot with this summer, whether it's dealing with me and a camera malfunction or me hassling you to stomp that trick clean, thanks alot, because half the battle is getting you in the photo, right? Well whatever, here's to the summer of 2007, thanks for that!
Joel - Ollie into a hill

Ben - bs nosegrind shove out

James Craig - noseblunt bigspin

Dayne Brummet and Willy Santos chillin' out

Josh - pole jam over gap to drop

Dalton - ollie over a 13 rail + pole