Don't be shy, take a look at raw motivation!
Ben, backside kickflip. That bank
is not fun or easy to skate.

Dalton, a high crook.

You ever see that sick video 2bangers1day? Dalton
was the star of that one. Crail stall.

Erik, bank to bank ollie. Some homeless guy
passed us on this day telling us he was going to
be in the movies. Downtown Kitchener? Yes.

Adam Zid, wallride king. Straight
up ollies right onto that wall

Jamie, backlip. This one went
into a checkout he had in Color
magazine Goldbook issue.

Josh, heelflip. One of my faves
from the season.

I warned you about pure determination to skate,
right? Joel went so loco he took up biking.
Ben setting the record straight with a proper
tre bomb at the bump over the sidewalk.

Isaac, tre flip.

Joel, tailslider.

Hands down one of my top three favourite
photos of the season. I was pretty bummed
this didn't get run, oh well. Erik, ollie against
his will.

TJ - PJ.

Byron, front feeble. I remember his words so
well, "We aren't leaving until I'm rolling away."
I was stoked on that.

That's enough of April, next up, May!
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