The weekend was a fun one, that's for sure. Not in the sense that we got a ton of bangers but more or less just skating outside of Kitchener. Kitchener is cool, sometimes, but a change is cool. Saturday Isaac, Joel, Byron and Brody skated around Guelph for a bit. We also got to go try out the new concrete park they have there, fun stuff. Sunday was Londay day with a crew consisting of Cam "Trouble" Stokes, Aaron, Isaac and Joel. We also got to meet up with the former Brantford dudes (Jamie, Derek, Andrew and Dan) but now they live in London so I don't think we can call them that anymore. Fuck it! They're the Brantford Dudes forever.
Got some cool skating done, clips filmed and just had a good, sunny weekend in general. The cooler weather is setting in more frequently so everyone is really starting to cherish those "hot" 22 degree Celsius days.
Isaac, nosegrind.

Joel, switch crooked grind.

Aaron, back 180 switch 5050 revert.

Joel, noseblunter.

Just a still.

Andrew did this the same day too but I shot his
on film. This isIsaac digitally backside flipping
the bump to barrier.

remember that time we had that talk....
and you were like...
and i was like....
and then you were like.... it hurts my feelings.....
please explain to me how this title is appropriate, did it stop hurting your "feelings"? as you so "gingerly" mentioned...
Wasn't it you that said "If I (meaning you,,,,) say anything you'll( meaning me) just blow it up and tell everyone.." (because i ALLLLways do....)
i fail to see the continuity here....
In fact, it's outright contradictory to the statement you, yourself had made.....
Isn't it strange how it comes full circle?
i'll let you in on a little secret.....
Inside jokes with your crew are only funny when others don't know the origin of the pun....
pssst that's what makes it an inside joke.....
or did your artsy meter forget to mention that to you....
Oh and yes... Richie made that comment....
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