So today was Easter Sunday, and I decided to head to the park in the evening for a little skate before it got dark. Matt(1) ended up being there with Matt(2) and we decided to head a sweet wallride spot. Matt(3) also came along. As soon as we got there, some old crank tried to chew us out and make us leave, but really, he was only cranky cause he couldn't hear the sounds of his donkey porn over our "ruckus". So we got some sick flicks there, and decided to head downtown. We met up with Palmer and his friend and skated some manual pad, ledges and a bank. We got some really nice shots and footage through the night. Awesome time guys!
Check some of the pics below!
Matt(2)-HUGE wallride


Matt(3)-Super high, too bad he didn't come out

Matt(1)-Super steezy ollie over the chain into a bank