Here's a fine example of Henry's getting my film back to me in three days without destroying the negs or damaging them other ways. They even cut them like I asked too! Anyways, peep the shots below for some film goodness.
Sampson hates my camera and I but I still
love the dude. Look at that facial expression....
so stoked.

One of those days where the flash rain storms
roll through and swallow the sun.

Beans in Toronto.

Lucas rolling through.

Scott, front tail to fakie. Check a few posts back
and you'll see why film rules over digital.

Another prime example of why film kicks
digital's ass. Scott, frontboard pop in to regs.

Joel, a high switch crook and a nice haircut!

And now for a lesson in skateboarding.
hey faggot,
mike rawbertson owns your ass you pussy ass bitch hoe
yep rawwwwwb yer sons is the ownerz
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