Monday, September 28, 2009

Absolute Neglect

It's been almost a month since I've updated my blog which means I've been nagged for the past three weeks or so to update my blog. The regular weekend trips to London almost end with me wanting to kill Jordan because he doesn't stop telling me how lazy I am and how shitty my blog is without a new post. He might just be the only dude that checks this thing though. Regardless, check out the last month in photos!

Getting to skate this spot is rare. Isaac, front

Surfs up bro! Colin, nose manny nollie 3 shove.

The only sequence that matters. Byron, crail grab.

Colin checkin' his stee.

Joel, front blunt to fakie.

"I always slam on manny's"

Anthony McManus showed up
one day to break dance.

Colin, warm up 5050.

Isaac, crook.

Gavin rolled his ankle because of this so I'm
throwing it up. Back smith.

Until next time...whenever that may be.


kodyt33 said...

i check ur blog erday @ work foo

Brent Goldsmith said...

Solid update dude
That back smith photo is tight

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