Monday, May 02, 2011

A weekend in the Armpit

Somehow the stars aligned properly and I managed to get a Friday to Sunday streak off while the weather cooperated at the same time. I thought of no better place to take advantage of such an event than a good ol' city called Windsor. I headed down late Thursday night and immediately the next morning some insane shredding ensued until sundown on Sunday. These type of weekends are few and far between but damn, when they happen, you know it's good.

These cats!

Crossed into Detroit for the day and met up
with none other than Mr. Bohl! He showed us
this wicked authentic Mexican joint too.

Ending a day in Detroit with some beans, rice
and flautas. Amazing!

Back to spot checking. Hill checking out a death

More spots...

Rigged something up...look at the smile on this
guy's face.

Another spot check...

If you've ever been to the Plantus' residence
you'll know this face as soon as you start driving

Mikey ain't bad at art either!

Gotta love it!